Representing the creative future

Moe Inzali – “Bold but sensitive.”

A look at last year's CSM White Show projects.

“Bold but sensitive.” Moe Inzali describes the look she created for the White Show. A simple statement, but her structural, intricate garment reveals otherwise at first glance. Undeniably, the undulant textural quality – created through layering numerous, deliberate folds upon one another along the edges of draped cloth – is quite a spectacle for the eyes, as are the voluminous raunchy sleeves. Upon closer inspection of the fabric, we see the technical complexities involved in creating such an ornate garment, demonstrating Inzali’s maturity.

One probably might not imagine this piece to be inspired by ancient cultures of mourning, where funerary practices of the past often involved the creation and use of statues to honour and commemorate the deceased – especially in regard to religious or royal idolatry in ancient civilizations. Inzali’s creation could be seen as a modernized interpretation of a bygone era. Her ability to combine softness with an audacity in silhouette reflects a thoughtfulness to designing that can hardly be encapsulated in a single look.

She shares with us the many hours she devoted to fabric experimentation in the 3D studios of CSM for this work: “I was struggling to develop heavy, stiff and dense material into something wearable and able to express movements.” Reflecting upon her challenging yet no less rewarding experience in the course thus far, Inzali feels that there is always room for improvement as a designer, and that no design is actually ever really ‘complete’. “But you have to stop at a certain point, or it will be over-executed and loose the spark,” she does, however, caution us.

Being a designer can become exceedingly nerve-racking, having to juggle between realising one’s creative visions and the limitations of time. So how does one at CSM cope with the extraneous expectations and internal aspirations? Moe Inzali is perhaps part of the optimistic go-getters within the community. She relates to the tremendous pressure that one confronts with this project, but she keeps her chin up and is in constant search for inspiration all around her. “There were times when I felt I was going nowhere with my project, and at the same time, time was running out. Even so, I had to find a way and make it happen. There’s no other way but to keep going and try looking from different directions.” Also a self-professed perfectionist, Inzali admits that wanting to ensure perfection in her work has contributed additional stress towards her time management. Every creative perhaps sympathises with her in this respect, but what is more heartening about Inzali is her positivity: “If I start turning mistakes into excitement, things might be a lot easier, I mean, mentally! And I am trying!”  This playfulness is part of what makes her works captivating, not to mention her sanguine and infectious personality.