Where did your primary inspiration for this collection come from?
In a way my work is an extension of my own identity, but it is unconsciously found. The core of my final collection stems from a personal story, although it is something I believe everyone has in common and therefore can share with one another. The research started from looking at my friends who were posting ‘#throwback’ childhood photos on Instagram. I also found inspiration from everyday life – from tube journeys to small conversations – things that are ‘nothing’ but very much ‘something’.
The approach to design at the RCA is very liberal and individual, with students being encouraged to create their own research. How did you do this, and how has it affected the way you interpret a concept?
To me research was more about storytelling and sharing. I wanted people to reminisce their childhood, their past, their time, and their story through my work. As my project was quite conceptual, I had to find something that would enable people to understand and visualise what I wanted to say. To help with this, I found artist Do Ho Suh and photographer Shirley Baker as well as looking back at my own photographs.