Borås is a relatively small town, with about 100,000 inhabitants. On paper, it is very far away from the European fashion capitals: Paris, London, and Milan, but in theory, the creations of the Swedish School of Textiles (SST) students propose a vision beyond centralisation. Being able to create and grow away from the centres of the fashion system though, is what allows the students to figure out who they are before they dedicate their lives to working in this industry. By breathing fresh air, they are becoming fresh air – the breeze of change that is needed. This year’s students challenge many of the themes the industry is facing, from climate change to small budgets. Nevertheless, they all infuse their DNA and design signatures into it.
The BA programme is encouraging its students to test the boundaries of textile innovation by researching new techniques to make their creations and ideas more durable and sustainable. The MA programme champions creative research in textile production. The industry-inspired facilities allow students to manufacture at the same pace and level of quality as in the real world and, as Borås is a textile region, the designers are pushed to integrate their surroundings into their process. SST’s research programme for fibre development “Smart Textiles” is creating a foundation of designing through research and not hype, something fashion seems to be in desperate need of.
Meet this year’s BA and MA graduates and discover their collections, skethcbooks, and textile development.