Siân Toolan (2D)
At the moment, my practice is mainly concerned with writing, particularly poems or short text pieces. I’ve been investigating the relationship between food and the body for quite some time, and I’ve been finding parallels between food and art, in terms of materiality and my own experience. It’s quite unstable and self-indulgent. I’m working on some sculptures to accompany writing but I’m not so sure what they’re doing right now.
I’ve been playing with food as a material – things like chocolate, toffee or syrup can be very sculptural and fun. They’re indulgent and there’s an element of desire-disgust, which is often inscribed on the bodies of women. These materials also have a shelf-life which is good for someone who doesn’t like showing work often.
I have struggled with making in the past, so I think I’m still figuring out my process. Writing comes quite naturally, and I’m always noting things down to piece together later. I’m then making sculptures as a response or visual aid to something I’ve written.
I only recently began considering my writing as art-writing (whatever that is) and I still have issues with it. So, I’d really like to push myself in terms of developing a lengthier or more revealing piece of text. But then I also have plans to make something physically big!