Each designer focused on different aspects of Chanel’s legacy, from the garden at the orphanage where she grew up to the way she repeated her techniques across looks. When asked about their learnings, nearly everyone mentioned gaining insights from researching the past and drawing inspiration from a designer like Chanel, an exercise they might not have pursued otherwise. This generation of students, driven by technique and craft, demonstrates a refreshing departure from nostalgic narratives, showing a clear inclination to explore the future. This makes the need for research-based projects more crucial than ever, helping the designers of tomorrow build strong referential foundations for their work. By subjecting their designs to critique from CSM, the V&A, and Chanel, the students were challenged to address various elements of conceptualization and craftsmanship, making their creations intriguing across the spectrum, from the simplest to the most elaborate pieces. Discovering their process and way of thinking led us to unveil elements of Gabriel Chanel’s life and craft that regular book and internet-based research would never let us see.