Can you point out one good and one bad memory of this year spent at Central Saint Martins?
I had an impressive experience while working on my final collection. When I worked on the process, I got lost when it came to the pattern cutting. I worked hard but things didn’t go according to the plan. I tried a lot of methods but I wasn’t happy with my design and I wasn’t ready to do a fitting. I also wasn’t ready to put my designs in my sketchbook, so I didn’t know what step to take. I had some good ideas in my head, but I couldn’t materialise them. I wasn’t sure that I would have made it in the end, but I did it. That made the whole experience worthwhile.
What was the main inspiration of your collection?
My inspiration came from my last garment. When I tried it with two people, I felt the emotional reaction between them. It’s the feeling of having something and losing it, which portrays a sense of security and insecurity. So my final project presents the feeling of a sense of security. That feeling of being comfortable and cozy—holding onto and hugging something precious, and hiding from any threats and dangers.
Did your vision and way of working change during the process?
I think that I’ve changed a lot after coming to Central Saint Martins. I’ve had a different type of education and CSM changed my vision of design. I’m now trying to use different fabric textures in my work.