It was during his childhood years that Evan discovered an artistic talent and developed a creative mind. “We have boxes of my drawings from when I was around ten that my mum’s kept. I used to listen to really awful pop bands like Atomic Kitten and I would sit on the floor and draw all these terrible concert outfits for them and sketch the sets and everything.”
Always drawing, playing and inventing, design came naturally to Evan. From a young age, his mother encouraged him to look at artworks, visit galleries and attend exhibitions. His father was always outdoors, gardening, surrounded by nature and the greenery of the countryside. “I didn’t go into fashion as a fashion person,” he says. “It was more that I loved art and fashion was just the path I ended up taking.”
To Evan, recipient of the McQueen scholarship, inspiration comes from all aspects of life and the world that surrounds him. “Subconsciously things work their way in,” he explains, “I think that happens a lot with me, something pops into my head, but I can’t really explain where it’s from. I have to think about it and then I realise it’s that film that I watched ages ago or this book that I bought about something really random.”