How come he decided to do it under your name?
I already have certain clients and a lot of girls have been wearing my pieces recently – we just thought to try this out.
With a lot of recent collections, the gap between such determined genders seems to be becoming less. How do your collections represent this?
To me, we wanted to make a very distinct line between men’s and women’s offerings. Actually I believe that we are all different and it has to appeal to women only. It had to be very extreme womenswear, in the sense that men won’t be able to wear it. I think the gender thing is just a fad, just a trend. This has been happening before. It seems to be something that comes and goes. I don’t focus on it too much, I just focus on my own thing.
You previously told 1 Granary that you really liked the flaws within the fashion system because they gave you something to work on. Is this still true?
Yeah, I still do. I love the flaws, and the imperfections, because there is no shortage of topics you can touch upon in fashion. There are so many things that are wrong with it. You can never run out of material.
What makes you choose Paris as the place to present your collections?
It’s the ultimate fashion spot. If you wanna see everyone, meet everyone that is somewhat influential or has a good opinion in fashion, go there. Also, all the buyers eventually end up there so it just makes commercial sense. That’s the spot.
Do you think that fashion is becoming more political as a reaction to what is happening around the world?
Probably, we see some reflections of that. It is definitely becoming more political now. Whether it is a goal of a fashion designer, or appropriate for a fashion designer to be political with his work, that I’m not so sure about. I think for me it’s quite debatable because your end goal is to make money and you kind of advertise yourself through this. Is this morally permissible? I’m not sure.
How do you see fashion as a valid medium for protest?
I think it’s possible to do. It has to be done in a clever way. What we’ve seen so far I think is very blunt, very straightforward. Also, if you’re going to protest through fashion, you really have to know what you’re talking about. As a fashion designer you have a lot of influence on people so, as a brand, you’re not just a single person, you are an amalgamation of all the people you represent. You really have to study before you protest. I feel like maybe people don’t really take their time and do research, and follow what the media says.