You could say that Jamie Sutherland had been preparing for lockdown a year before it started. Receiving a crash course on self-isolation last year after going back to his hometown of Norwich following an unsuccessful project for Balenciaga in his second year, led the designer to re-evaluate his process from the ground up. “I turned off all my social media and contemplated, ‘Where is this coming from?’ Then I started documenting things around the house and that’s how I generated this whole project. It ended up being probably my best project in second year, which is funny, because then in lockdown, it was the same world I was surrounded by so it’s kind of happened again, but not by choice this time!” His two-look collection that he created from home focused on revisiting his childhood memories, such as his mother collecting miscellaneous objects on the streets on his way to school. “She’s done it her whole life and she’s still doing it now. A bit like beachcombing but in the street. I used to do it too. At home, we’ve got boxes of earrings, bracelets, and any kind of metal, interesting bits of wire. My mom used to call me a magpie because I was good at picking up shiny things from the street.”