On a trip to London as a teenager, Ruben Arnaldo Gollin discovered Dover Street Market. It was a pivotal moment, when he recognised fashion could be a medium for storytelling. For the Swiss-Italian designer, self-expression and narrative in fashion is everything. In his mind, the industry is losing creativity by trying to appeal to everyone. “In the 80s and 90s, it was less about the consumer. The fashion industry said: We have this for you.” Now it’s different. It says: “We will give you what you want.” With a distinct design style, he wants fashion to be created without considering the mass market. “If you have an idea in mind, you want to be able to create it fully. But if you have customers x, y and z, it’s not going to be the design you wanted, because you are changing it for them. People who appreciate high-quality clothing will buy fashion, even the crazy stuff, if they have the money.”