Representing the creative future

Fidan Novruzova: The argument for starting your brand back home

Designers  –  Apr 2021

Fidan Novruzova: The argument for starting your brand back home

Speaking to us from Moldova, the CSM graduate spills the beans about working away from London

Designers To Hire

Dominic Huckbody: “We all love a show, don’t we?”

What happens when a graduate show is abruptly cancelled?

Designers  –  Apr 2021

Goom Heo on preparing for the unknown as a young brand

The South-Korean designer talks authenticity and the challenges that emerge with a prolonged pandemic in the time of Brexit

Designers To Hire

Sabah Iqbal could be big in Pakistan

The BA Fashion Design Womenswear talks identity studies and turning down a house and a job

Designers  –  Mar 2021

StrongThe: From getting a Visa to starting a label

Menswear designer Strong Theveethivarak shares the reality of running an independent fashion brand

Designers To Hire

Freja Wesik, in praise of do-it-yourself

The designer waves goodbye to university with a rainbow tinted homage to DIY

Designers  –  Mar 2021

Sinéad O’Dwyer on tackling the systemic oppression of the female form

The womenswear designer on the importance of utilising body shape in the design process, rather than making clothes that simply fit

Designers To Hire

Fi Grew makes fashion without clothes

Photographing and collaging against the basic preconception of fashion

Designers  –  Mar 2021

Laura and Deanna Fanning on navigating the politics of the fashion industry

The creative directors of womenswear at Kiko Kostadinov speak with fashion design student Luma Guarconi Louzada

Designers To Hire

Lykke Lund Rasmussen on uncovering memories through fashion

How much of us do we carry with us forever? ‘Memória’ challenges the identity of dress by creating a tactile dimension of captured recollections

Designers To Hire

Mollie-may Boyd on the irrelevance of the outcome

The BA Fashion Design with Marketing graduate questions a fashion education relying on theoretical concepts and overly polished images

Designers  –  Feb 2021

The 2020 Hyères winner Tom Van Der Borght on probing the digital

The Hyères festival winner takes us in his studio and shares his views on the fashion industry during the pandemic